>Fungal Acne Ingredient Checker

Fungal Acne Ingredient Checker

Can't find a product in our database? Copy-paste the ingredient list of the product in the box below:

💡 How it works

Copy the ingredient list of your product in the grey box above.

You can get the ingredient list from reliable retailers (f.ex. Sephora) or the product manufacturer.

Click on the blue 'Analyze-my-product'-button.

This step is easy :)

Your analysis is ready in a few seconds.

Check if your product is safe for fungal acne at a glance. Take the guesswork out of skincare!


Vertrauensvolle Quellen: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Vertrauensvolle Quellen: Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
Vertrauensvolle Quellen: American Journal of Clinical Dermatology
Vertrauensvolle Quellen: Journal of American Academy of Dermatology

Questions our Fungal Acne Checker will answer

Is the product safe for fungal acne?

Is the product sls-free, paraben-free, mineral-oil, silicone-free, oil-free,... ?

Does the product help with: combination skin, dry skin, oily skin, anti-aging, ... ?

Are the ingredients in the product safe (according to the organization CIR)?

Does the product clog the pores (comedogenic)?

Example of the result: Check if a product is safe for fungal acne at a glance:

Charts showing if product is suitable for fungal acne

What is Fungal Acne?

Fungal acne, scientifically known as Pityrosporum folliculitis, or Malassezia folliculitis, is an acne-like skin condition. It is characterized by small, red, occasionally itchy blemishes, especially in oilier areas, like the forehead.

Fungal acne looks similar to 'normal' acne forms. That's why they are often mixed up. The most significant difference between fungal acne and 'normal' acne is that fungal acne is caused by fungi (Malassezia), and normal acne is caused by bacteria (P. acnes).

And this is critical, since the treatments differ a LOT!

Fungal acne is a very stubborn skin condition. A large number of ingredients should be avoided since even small quantities of these ingredients are likely to worsen the condition.

Some ingredients that can trigger fungal acne are: fatty acids, plant oils, waxes, butter, lecithin, or fermented ingredients.

Our fungal acne ingredient checker tells you if a product contains critical ingredients for fungal acne at a glance. Quick and easy - and that's why it's so helpful!

FAQ: Fungal Acne Checker

Where does the information about the ingredients come from?

Our goal is to provide you with a fungal acne ingredient checker that is backed by scientific studies. The scientific studies are publicly available and - in most cases - published by scientific journals. For our research, we use the database of the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI). We try to primarily evaluate in-vivo studies (experiments on human skin) from independent organizations (not from skincare manufacturers or ingredient suppliers).

There are some ingredients with no information. Why?

This can happen. It means that - at the moment - there is no information on the ingredient available. Since our database is constantly growing and new researches on ingredients are being published, new information may be added soon! So make sure to check your products on a regular basis :)

I found a mistake! What can I do?

Please get in touch with us so that we can take care of it - you can use the Feedback-button at the bottom of the page :) We try our best to avoid mistakes. But - with over 60,000 ingredients and thousands of products - this is not always possible.

How can I get the most out of the fungal acne checker?

Every time you're looking for new skincare: check if the product is suitable for fungal acne (if you're prone to this condition). This can save you a lot of frustration and money. Some general tips for finding your perfect skincare routine: Know your skin type. Take our skin quiz if you're unsure what is your skin type :) Knowing your skin is the basis for an effective and satisfying skincare routine. Only if you know your skin, you understand what it needs. Based on these needs, you can then find your perfect products easily. It is also essential to understand that the efficiency of a product is not only affected by the single ingredients but also by the product formulation (how the product is 'cooked'). Unfortunately, the only way to find out more about the product formulation is to read product reviews (how did people with similar skin tolerate the product, how is the product's texture, etc.).