Glow Up: 3 Tips to get healthy, glowing skin

Glow Up: 3 Tips to get healthy, glowing skin



Beautiful glowing girl with glitter on her face

A sign of healthy skin is a natural glow.

Unfortunately, factors - such as stress, wrong skincare, or lack of sleep - can make your skin look dull and tired.

Even if it's important to treat the root of the problem, there are some quick tips to get healthy, glowing skin.

Just follow these 3 easy hacks:

Tip 1: Use exfoliants

Is there something like an exfoliant addiction? We wouldn't be surprised. It's because exfoliants can improve the skin's appearance DRASTICALLY.

Used regularly and according to the skin's needs, they make the skin softer, clearer, healthier, and more radiant. Overall, glowing and happy.

The main goal of an exfoliant is to remove excess dead skin cells, which make your skin look dull and lackluster.

There are three main categories of exfoliants:

  • Chemical exfoliants detach and therefore remove excess dead skin cells in the top layer of the skin (stratum corneum). Chemical exfoliants provide additional benefits, such as anti-aging or anti-acne effects.

  • Enzyme exfoliants break down proteins that hold dead skin cells together. The buildup of excess dead skin cells is removed. Enzyme exfoliants are usually gentle products suitable for more sensitive skin types.

  • Physical exfoliants contain small particles, such as jojoba beads or sugar. They work like sandpaper: Dead skin cells are removed with the help of the particles and manual circular motions. Physical exfoliants often contain oils or butters and are therefore particularly beneficial for drier skin types.

Which one you choose depends on your skin, personal preferences, and skincare goals.

Just make sure to be gentle. Signs of over-exfoliation are: irritations, redness, tingling, tight feeling. Start using an exfoliant 2 to 3 times per week and increase the frequency if your skin can tolerate more.

TIP 1: Use an exfoliant on a regular basis.

Sensitive skin: Use enzyme exfoliants or chemical exfoliants with mandelic acid.
Dry skin: Use physical exfoliants or chemical exfoliants with lactic acid.
Oily/ combination skin: Use chemical exfoliants with salicylic acid (BHA).


Tip 2: Hydrate your skin

Our skin consists of 70% water. Water makes our skin look plump and youthful.

If your skin lacks water it is dehydrated.

Dehydration is the result of a damaged skin barrier, which can be affected by several factors such as heating, weather, wrong skincare, or skin aging..

A compromised skin barrier lets the skin lose water (TEWL - Transepidermal Water Loss).

Signs of dehydration are tight skin feeling, redness, dullness, or fine lines.

The solution is to replenish the water content of your skin. More water means more glow and plumpness.

TIP 2: Incorporate one skincare product with hydrating properties into your skincare routine. Serums with hyaluronic acid (in the first 5 ingredients of the ingredient list - the concentration matters) are great choices.


Tip 3: Use the right sunscreen

Using sunscreen on a daily basis gives you 2 benefits:

  • ❯ It's the best anti-aging strategy ever. Remember, up to 80% of visible skin aging is caused by external factors, namely excessive sunbathing!
  • ❯ It can give you the most beautiful glowing finish. Remember those sunny days on the beach... and the glowing skin after applying sunscreen? :)

There are so many different sunscreens out there. Some sunscreens are almost invisible. Other sunscreens are mattifying and especially recommended for oilier skin types. And then there are sunscreens that give you a beautiful glowing finish - this is what we're looking for.

TIP 3: Sunscreens containing the ingredient "C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate" are lightweight, watery products that give you a beautiful glowing finish.


To sum up...

With the help of these 3 tips, it's easy to get more healthy, happy, and glowing skin:

  • ❯ An exfoliant removes excess dead skin cells and makes you look fresh.
  • ❯ Hydrating skincare products replenish the water content of your skin and make it look youthful and plump.
  • ❯ Sunscreens containing the ingredient "C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate" give you a glowing finish (protect your skin, and keep it young).

Some other important points to keep in mind are:

  • ❯ Knowing your skin type and skin concerns is key to an effective and satisfying skincare routine. Only if you know your skin you can give it what it needs. Determine your skin condition with the help of our Skin Quiz.
  • ❯ Clean your skin properly. A gentle and effective method is double-cleansing. A thoroughly cleansed skin lets other skincare products penetrate deeper and prevents skin issues like clogged pores or pimples. Check out our Instagram post to learn more.
  • ❯ Have a healthy lifestyle: drink enough water, eat healthy, do exercises, pay attention to your mental health, and your gut health.

Hope these tips can help you with your glowing skincare journey :)